Wednesday 2 September 2015

Woman Version Forty:1

I turned 41 last 2 days.
Woman Version Forty:1 :-)
The elder 2 fixed breakfast (awwww how sweet). Overnight oat and infused water. I emerged from bathroom and they both gave me warm (and busuk masam sebab belum mandi) hug.
Adam made a promise to do telur mata. We even had a discussion the night before on how to go about doing it.

Breakfast came a little late coz the telur mata guy overslept. The mata all squished coz he broke the yolk while trying to crack open the eggs. We ended up with crossbreed of telur mata and omelette.
Perhaps among the best breakfasts I ever had.
And Happy 58th Independent Day for all Malaysians!

Friday 3 July 2015

Edisi Menjahit - Pola & Nota Jahitan PJ Bottom @Seluar Tidur

Sewing is my passion. Walaupun saya claim ianya my passion, jangan expect jahitan tip top, kemas ala butik, or baju yang terletak cantik pada badan. InsyaAllah, one fine day in future. But for now, bertabah je lah dengan whatever level of quality he he.

Rabu lepas cuti. Ada appointment di Columbia Asia. This women ver 4.1 la katakan. I have this thing that is not supposed to be there. But since it doesn't bother me at all, Dr advised me to just leave it be. Alhamdulillah nothing calls for serious attention. But I have to go for follow-ups. Routinely. Appointment scheduled late morning so pagi tu sempat jahit PJ bottom for abang gebu kita, si Iman. Susah nak cari seluar kat kedai yang selesa untuk dia. So? Jahitlah kan. Tak perlu keluarkan duit beli kain coz I 'refashioned' kain pelikat abahnya yang dah koyak sikit.
Posted the result on fb .. and then ada orang mintak ajar. I am honoured but please be reminded I have no formal training untuk menjahit (except some basics kelas SRT masa sekolah menengah) and often, I used my gut- feeling. And of course trial and error. And I only sew for family members. Kalau terketat, terlonggar or whatever 'ter'.. opkos the complaints and grievances can be kept at minimum level. He he.


I am sharing with you all on how I measured and sewed PJ bottom Iman ni. Feel free to try tapi kalau tak menjadi seadanya... ampun sangat okay.
Mula-mula of course kena ambik measurement. Tips nya..
1. Masa measure jangan ukur ngam-ngam. (kecuali bahagian pinggang) Lebihkan ukuran ikut keselesaan.
2. Nak mudah, potong dulu kain empat segi ikut ukuran lebar a-g dan panjang i ke b.
Lepas measure, boleh lah buat pola. Saya tak buat pola kertas sebab saiz anak-anak cepat sangat berubah. Dan saya tak rajin nak ubahsuai pola kertas later on hehe. And then potong. Yang ni trickly sikit for beginners. Kita perlu dua bahagian seperti di bawah. Jangan potong dedua sama pulak,.. nanti dapat untuk sebelah kaki je. Satu bahagian untuk kaki kanan. Satu lagi untuk kaki kiri. Caranya, selesai potong bahagian 1, terbalikkan pola, dan potong untuk bahagian 2. Atau terbalikkan kain. 

 Lepas potong, tibalah kita kebahagian yang second exciting iaitu menjahit. Jahit dulu bahagian cawat. Yang belah kiri tu bahagian punggung. Yang kanan tu belah depan (Rujuk Rajah 1) Lepas tu jahit kaki pulak (Rujuk Rajah 2).

Kelepet bahagian pinggang untuk masukkan getah. Saya biasanya jahit dulu bahagian pinggang, tinggalkan lubang kira-kira 2 inci. Kemudian masukkan getah kat lubang tu. Cantum getah. Dan lepas tu jahit lubang 2 inci tadi. Kelepet tu mesti muat getahnya ya.

Seterusnya jahit kelim kaki seluar pulak.

So part mana yang paling exciting? Yang first? Gantung seluar elok-elok, ambik gambar then share kat fb! Macam ni..

Cawat seluar saya buat labuh. Sebab si pemakainya suka duduk kangkang. This is what I meant tadi - pelikat refashioned hehe.

Selamat mencuba!

Thursday 11 June 2015

of louvered doors and shoes


Semalam tiba-tiba ada angin mengemas datang. Angin sepoi-sepoi bahasa only, so the hasil also sepoi-sepoi bahasa.

I so happen to have a shoe closet not because I have big house but because we have structural 'tiang's that were too costly to remove (during renovation way back in 2012) and to reinforce back the structure called for more and more costs. So we converted the otherwise void areas into closets. One is for shoes and the other for my small-scale gardening tools and segala peralatan dan bahan kimia untuk mencuci rumah.

And I am glad we have louvered doors for those two! Here's what I did to the shoe-closet door.. tadaaaaa!!!

Kasut digantung ikut ketinggian ownernya. Kakak atas sekali (she stands as tall as me now!). Then Iman. And of course for now, Adam bawah sekali.

For kaki IG, silalah tengok hashtag berkaitan home organisation and the likes. Macam-macam ideas you can get. Gantung kasut kat pintu ni pon my kids yang jumpa while they were browsing youtube. Of course they way that I do is wayyyy more a lot lot more sempoi. No nailing what so ever. I bought the hangers for less than RM5.00 each at AEON Big and a pack of S hooks for RM2.00 at Mr DIY.

You like it? I do.

I can get more shoes now. Definitely!

Tuesday 9 June 2015

woman ver4.1

My blogging mojo has its own on off switch which I myself can't control. Sometimes it overflowed in my mind and yet I just stared blankly at my draft and then I clicked the delete button.

Between now and then, we celebrated Adam's birthday, saw Athirah received present from school for her academic achievement, kids got their yellow belt, went balik kampong for school holidays and later checked in Marriot for weekend getaway. Lost 2 kittens, got 2 more. Went 'scrubbing' Jazz at toll Pantai Baharu leaving longggggg scratches and three small holes.

We finally went to health screening at Pantai Hospital after postponing for a year! Other than borderline uric acid, borderline bad cholesterol level, a tad bit too high blood pressure, and misbehaving uterus lining - I am okay. Not forgetting cervical slip disc at C4-C5, C5-C6. Alhamdulillah I can still go about doing my daily things. My blood pressure is currently being monitored. And I have an appointment scheduled with O&G next week. I am a woman ver 4.1 that needs lifestyle modifications (and upgrades!) :-)

Tebby, he needs to shed some kilos. Other than that, he's okay.

Owh. Bedtime already. Till then, good night.

Thursday 9 April 2015

of taekwondo & first grading

Kids joined Taekwondo early this year. Adam was the first to start pestering us since end of last year. Naturally, he was the first among the three to enrol. Iman and Kakak jumped into the bandwagon a week after.

Class is every Saturday morning for approximately 1hr 45 minutes. You know what we husband and wife can do in that period of time?? We got time for ourselves for detim-detim. That is either doing wet-marketing at Pasar Kajang, or groceries shopping at Aeon Big. Yeah, we're romantic like that....


Uniform comes RM110 each and month fee is RM40 each. Seems agreeable to us. What most important is that, kids enjoy themselves and we got some time for ourselves (albeit just managing some domestic affairs)

First grading was last Saturday. I had intended to just leave them and then pick them up after the session. Primarily because we didn't want them to feel uneasy with us looking. Secondarily because we planned to do wantan noodle for dinner and our freezer is literally in absence of vital ingredients.
But we were glued there, all excited to see what it was all about.

We do not know if they passed or not, yet. We shall see this coming Saturday insyaAllah.


Friday 3 April 2015

rezeki & ungratefulness

Rezeki comes in many forms.
Husband said - dapat tidur lena malam-malam pun dah besar sangat rezekinya.

Last year, I had my phase of greed. I wanted bags. I already have bags - one in violet and few in black. I was certain I need one in brown. But things held me back. So I didn't.

Guess what. A long time friend suddenly asked for my address.
She said - Aku nak bagi kau something.
And wassaped few wristlets to choose from.
Mann, what have I done to deserve that?
Beautiful wristlet arrived few days later.

Months later.
She asked again if my previous address was still the same.
I told her don't do it again.
A tote arrived few days later nonetheless.
In brown!

I was thinking - what have I done to deserve those? Coz I wasn't really doing anything good, apart from my usual routine. Then it dawned to me - it was not what have I done, it was rather what I should do.

Three days ago, my rezeki came in form of free parking spot. You see, parking lots are precious where I work. Scarce. I hit the road 10 minutes later than planned. I was trying to save a little kitten (though it ended in a tragic way that left me in pools of tears). And guess what - when I arrived, some free spots were still available and the adik jaga directed me to the most convenient lot, very near to the entrance.

Thank you Allah. Alhamdulillah. Forgive me for I have sinned. Forgive me for I often forgot the good things bestowed upon me. Forgive me for not giving out as much I should. Forgive me for my ungratefulness.

Sometimes we are too focused on bigger things (or so, we thought) that we forget those little things that make up our life