Monday, 19 November 2012

it's time - new mattress!

I've been having this mild lower back pain these past few days. The pelvic bone, on the left - to be exact. When I bend down, I can feel a little pain right down to my left knee.

Went to the clinic last Saturday. Diagnosis. Bent down. Stand up. Questions. Answers.

Possible reasons - antaranya duduk terlalu lama. Dr said.
Atau berdiri terlalu lama. He continued
Tidur .. My husband quickly cut in
Tidur terlalu lama? 
Smirked at me.

You see people, I still day nap when I have the chance of doing so :P
But that was not what the Dr meant.

Given the possible reason, I ruled out sitting or standing for too long. Eventhough I am confined to this air-conditioned office, sitting on ergonomic chair, I made it a point to move about from time to time (to and fro the ice-cream box and the fridge and the water dispenser!)

Tidur on mattress yang tak firm. Firm here means bila kita baring, tilam tu tenggelam. Or when orang sebelah baring, it sags. Senget. It must be firm enough that tilam tu tak ada effect bila ada orang baring kat sebelah. 
Smirked back at him :D

But anyway, regardless of how much Tebby weights these days, or how much difference it is between me and him, it's the tilam anyway. It's almost 9 years old, worn and torn (and nostalgic too...  ^_^)

And my bad posture. Especially when sitting. Ergonomic chair doesn't help much if you have the habit of hunching your back while staring at your lappy eh? That reminds me of my dear (poor) corset :D

However, Dr said this could be the onset of slip-disc. Yikes! Allah forbids.

I forgot to ask if I can still go jogging or do sit-ups, given the condition I am in. I googled. Surfing through few sites, digesting the info. As if ... *eyes roll*

But first.
- new mattress!
- find the whereabout of my corset!


  1. harga tilam sekarang ni boleh tahan jugak mahalnya .....

  2. pB ~ tengok jenis and brand gak pB. yg puluh2 ribu pun ada *gulp* tapi hak tu hanya boleh ditest kat showroom aje hihi. tak mamfoo!
