Monday, 19 November 2012

lunchie @Muhibbah

En route to our getaway at One World last week (read here), plan to pit-stop for lunch. Dolly was half-opened. Sambal Hijau was packed with people. Terus aje ke Muhibbah. - one of our favorite Chinese Muslim eatery. Last we went there, just the two of us, was last March (Read here)

This time, we brought along the whole troop. Ala, macam la ramai sangat. Lima orang je pun :D

Daun kah? Ikan kah? Bulu kah?

Belum apa-apa lagi si Adam nak wee-wee. Nasib toilet bersih dan wangi. Macam dalam taman pulak tu...

Couldn't help but to notice!
First customer, first class parking hihi. Betul-betul depan entrance. That's not me btw, that's my anak dara.

Anak Dara dan Pak Dara

Lala in ginger and garlic. Tembam-tembam betul lalanya.

Ikan, tapi bukan yang miang :D
Sotong goreng. Celup tepung.
Guess what! Pucuk paku! Ni sayur premium. Masa kekecik dulu selalu makan, bukan sebab 'the premium-ness' but sebab it could be found in abundant tepi-tepi jalan, FOC. Kerabu sejuk (cold salad - direct translation :P). Pucuk paku celur, added with slices of bawang merah and jus limau nipis. Drizzled with santan pekat. I'd opt for kerisik instead of santan, if I'd given the chance to pick.

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