Monday, 25 February 2013

vroom-vroom 'sewn with love' single fitted bedsheet

Work's been good. Been busy but hey, not complaining (yet?). Kids are all well, I am good and Tebby's back! I made few small resolutions for 2013, mostly for self-improvement, insyaAllah. Among others - to revive back my hobby, sewing!

It's been awhile since I last sew anything! My last sewing project was in November 2012! Remember my yellow-kitty-sewn-with-love-pj-bottom project? In-between then and now, I sewed kelepet kaki seluar Iman and sewed-up badges and name tags onto their uniforms. But let's not call those sewing project, shall we? :D

Anyway, not withstanding my overdue 3-more-fabrics-to-be-swen-into-PJ-bottom, I ordered meters and meters of cotton for my fitted bedsheet projects. Tamak? Indeed I am! I mean who could resist such cute prints huh?

Bought these two types of print from D' Cotton Heaven. Both are cotton but I personally prefer the texture and feel of the scoot-scoot on black background. Vroom-vroom on yellow background is a little thin to the touch but still can do laaa.

Both fabrics are of bidang 44 inci. Means, I need to adjust the width by adding up 10 inches on left and 10 more inches on the right. It was a messy ordeal I tell you. Especially when it was my first time sewing fitted bedsheet! And when I was done cutting, I realized I did not have enough for pillow-cases!

Though I targeted to sew two sets (for the boys each), I only managed to complete only one set. Sabar ye Iman, next weekend I'll do it for you. 

Fitted by sewing getah on 4 corners.Alhamdulillah, it turns out well and fits nicely. There's obviously still room for improvement.

Adam was very excited.
Tebby said nice.
More bedsheet perhaps?


  1. comel kak!
    lama dah tak menjahit...rindu!
    mesin jahit tadok
    akak cuba share photo your sewing machine

    1. semangat baru nih.
      kemas rumah nampak satu buntil besar plastik ada kain sama perca kain.
      apa lagi, ambik gunting hihi
